Researcher staff of Bacteriology Department, Institute of Veterinary Research and Development of central Vietnam, 227, 2/4 street, Vinh Hoa ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

About me

I have been working in Department of Bacteriology, Institute of Veterinary Research and Development of central Vietnam as a researcher since 2003. I am interested in bacterial pathogenesis, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, immunology and vaccine development against infection diseases.


  • From 1997 to 2021: Bachelor of veterinary science at the Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
  • From 2012 to 2014: Master Degree in Animal Science at Charles Sturt University – Australia
  • From 2015 to 2020: PhD, National Institute of Veterinary Research (NIVR), Vietnam.


  • From 2003 to 2011: Researcher staff in Bacteriology Department of Institute of Veterinary Research and Development (IVRD), Vietnam.
  • From 2012 to 2014: Master student
  • From 2015 to now: Researcher staff of the Bacteriology Department, IVRD.

Research expertise

Immunology, Bacterial pathogenesis, Vaccine, Antimicrobial Resistance.


  • Vietnamese (native)
  • English


1Study on the development of  vaccine against Riemerella  anatipestifer  (Researcher 2022-now).

  • 2 Research on bacteremia caused by bacteria Riemerella anatipestiferin poultry and propose preventive measures (2018 – 2020).
  • 3 Research on the production of vaccines against diseases caused by enterotoxin-producing coli bacteria in pigs (2016 – 2018).
  • 4 Completing the production process of vaccines against pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaein pigs (2015 – 2017).
  • 5 Research and development of antitoxin vaccines against perfringens-associated necrotizing enterocolitis in sheep and goats (2009 – 2011).
  • 6 Determining the situation of necrotizing enterocolitis caused by Clostridium perfringensin chickens raised in Khanh Hoa and developing preventive measures (2011).
  • 7 Studying diarrhea in dairy calves caused by coli, Salmonellaand  perfringens and making biological products for prevention and treatment (2007 – 2009).
  • 8 Survey on some epidemiological characteristics of necrotizing enterocolitis caused by Clostridium perfringensin goats and sheep in Ninh Thuan and Khanh Hoa (2008).
  • 9 Study of diarrhea disease in calves caused by coli, Salmonella, C. perfringens and manufacturing biological to prevent disease (Researcher, 2007-2009)
  • 10 Investigation of some the epidemiological characteristics of necrotic enteritis disease in goat and sheep caused by Clotridium perfringens in Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan provinces (Researcher, 2009).


National journals

  • 1 Vo Thanh Thin, Le Dinh Hai, Dang Van Tuan, 2021. Antibiotic susceptibility of Riemerella anatipestifer isolated from septicemic ducks in Vietnam. Veterinary Science and Technology, 28(2), 38 – 44.
  • 2 Vo Thanh Thin, Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, 2020. Isolation of Riemerella anatipestiferfrom ducks with suspected symptoms of sepsis. Veterinary Science and Technology, 27(3), 26 – 31.
  • 3 Le Dinh Hai, Doan Van Thai, Dang Van Tuan, Vo Thanh Thin, 2018. Evaluation of the ability to induce immune response in mice of enterotoxin fusion protein from Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.Veterinary Science and Technology, 25(7), 13 – 20.
  • 4 Vo Thanh Thin, Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, 2018. Some biological characteristics of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaestrain PV3952. Veterinary Science and Technology, 25(6), 26-35.
  • 5 Vo Thanh Thin, Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, 2018. Trial production of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaevaccine against swine pneumonia. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – ​​Science and technology conference specialized in Animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, period 2013 – 2018.
  • 6 Vo Thanh Thin, Le Dinh Hai, Dang Van Tuan, Vu Khac Hung, 2018. Development of a recombinant enterotoxin-expressing bacterial strain of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia colicausing diarrhea in piglets. Veterinary Science and Technology, 25(5), 43 – 48.
  • 7 Le Dinh Hai, Dang Van Tuan, Vu Khac Hung, Vo Thanh Thin, 2017. Circulation and homology of enterotoxin-encoding genes (STA, STb, LT) of Enterotoxigenic coliisolated from piglets get diarrhea. Veterinary Science and Technology, 24(1), 38 – 44.
  • 8 Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, Nguyen Ba Hien, Vo Thanh Thin, 2017. Some virulence factors of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaestrains isolated from pigs in Vietnam. Veterinary Science and Technology, 24(3), 24 – 30.
  • 9 Le Dinh Hai, Dang Van Tuan, Vu Khac Hung, Vo Thanh Thin, 2017. Research on creating DH5 alpha coli strains carrying recombinant gene sequences encoding recombinant enterotoxin (STA, STb and LTB). National Scientific Conference on Animal Husbandry – Veterinary Medicine, Can Tho, 2017, Agricultural Publishing House (ISBN 978-604-60-2492-7), 354 – 360.
  • 10 Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, Vo Thanh Thin, 2017. Study on pathological transformation of experimentally infected pigs with strains of Mycoplasma hyoneumoniaeisolated in Vietnam. National Scientific Conference on Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Can Tho, 2017, Agricultural Publishing House (ISBN 978-604-60-2492-7), 399-404.
  • 11 Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, Vu Khac Hung, Vo Thanh Thin, 2016. Investigation of antibodies against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaein domestic pigs in some South Central provinces and Central Highlands. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(67), 44 – 47.
  • 12 Vo Thanh Thin, Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, 2016. Isolation and identification of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaefrom pig specimens. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 8(69), 84-88.
  • 13 Vo Thanh Thin, Pham Trung Hieu, Dao Duy Hung, Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, Nguyen Thi Tham, Dang Thi Sao Mai, Le Lap, 2014. Determination of serovars and genetic relationships of Leptospirastrains isolated from pig. Veterinary Science and Technology, 21(1), 34-38.
  • 14 Nguyen Duc Tan, Vo Thanh Thin, Le Lap, Vu Khac Hung, Le Dinh Hai, Dang Van Tuan, 2011. Research and production of vaccines against swine edema disease caused by coli bacteria. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 22, 67-72.
  • 15 Vo Thanh Thin, Dang Van Tuan, Le Dinh Hai, 2010. Determination of Salmonella typhimuriumserotype causing diarrhea in calves under 6 months of age by PCR. Veterinary Science and Technology, 17(1), 34-37.
  • 16 Vo Thanh Thin, Le Dinh Hai, Dang Van Tuan, Truong Cong Thoi, Nguyen Trong Hai, Vu Khac Hung, 2009. Analysis of some virulence factors of Salmonellaspp isolated from calves under 6 months of age with diarrhea flows in the South Central and Central Highlands. Veterinary Science and Technology, 16(2), 32-38.
  • 17 Vo Thanh Thin, Le Dinh Hai, Dang Thanh Hien, Dang Van Tuan, Truong Cong Thoi, Nguyen Trong Hai, Vu Khac Hung, 2008. Infection rate and analysis of some virulence factors of isolated  colifrom calves under 6 months of age with diarrhea in some provinces of the South Central and Central Highlands. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 12, 52-55.

 International journals

  • 1 Thanh-Thin Vo, Van-Tuan Dang, Dinh-Hai Le and Trong-Hai Nguyen (2022). Identification, serotyping, and antimicrobial susceptibility of Riemerellaanatipestifer isolated from ducks in Vietnam. Open Veterinary Journal, 391–398, 5455/OVJ.2022.v12.i3.13
  • 2 Banowary B., Dang V.T., Sarker S., Connolly J.H., Chenu J., Groves P., Ayton M., Raidal S., Devi A., Vanniasinkam T., 2015. Differentiation of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli using multiplex-PCR and high resolution melt curve analysis. PloS one 10 (9), e0138808.

Awards and Grants

  1. National Award 2021
  2. Golden Rice Award 2015