Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Veterinary Research and Development of central Vietnam, No 227, 2/4 street, Vinh Hoa ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam



About me

I am passionate about Aquatic Animal Health and want to understand the interactions between hosts, pathogens and environmental factors with a view to enhancing the health of aquatic animals. I am also interested in disease diagnosis, health manage vaccine development against infectious diseases and effects of toxicants on immune responses of aquatic animals.


2016 – 2020:   PhD (Fisheries), University of Tasmania, Australia

2014 – 2016:   Master (Aquatic Animal Health), University of Tasmania, Australia

2004 – 2009:   Bachelor (Fish Pathology), Nhatrang University, Vietnam


2020 – now:    Senior Researcher at the Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Veterinary Research and Development of central Vietnam

2009 – 2014:   Researcher at the Department of Bacteriology, Institute of Veterinary Research and Development of central Vietnam


Research expertise

Animal health, Disease diagnosis, Fish immunology and vaccine development, Fish histopathology, Parasitology, Bacteriology, Virus isolation and Aquatic toxicology.


  • Vietnamese (native)
  • English (fluent)


  1. Diseases caused by Lates Calcarifer Herpes Virus (LCHV) in barramundi (Lates calcarifer) cultured in Khanh Hoa (Principal investigator, 7/2021 – now)
  2. Isolation of Infectious Spleen and Kidney Necrosis Virus (ISKNV) in barramundi (Principal investigator, 10/2020 – 10/2022)
  3. Ectoparasites on armoured catfish in central Vietnam (Principal investigator, 10/2020 – 10/2021)
  4. Effects of mining activities on innate immune responses of shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) in Greenland (PhD candidate, 2016 – 2020)
  5. Improving inactivated vaccine to prevent infectious Coryza in chickens (Researcher, 2009 – 2012)
  6. Strengthen CVVI’s diagnosis capacity on Salmonellosis up to the level of OIE reference laboratory (Researcher, 2012 – 2013)
  7. Producing vaccine to prevent Pasteurellosis and Erysipelas in swine (Researcher, 2012 – 2013)
  8. Toxoid vaccine to prevent necrosis enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens in sheep and goats (Researcher, 2009 – 2011)


  • Tutor for Aquatic Animal Health unit at the University of Tasmania (a third-year undergraduate and post-graduate unit) (2019)
  • Demonstrator for Aquatic Animal Health and Aquatic Animal Physiology & Behaviour Units at the University of Tasmania (2017 – 2018)
  • Trainer for isolating and serotyping techniques for Salmonella strains at Central Vietnam Veterinary Institute (2012).


  • Co-supervised two Master’s


Journal articles

  1. Dang, M., Dien, T.D., Van, U.P., Ha, V.T., Dung, V.V., Hieu, N.T.D., Hua, V.C., Hue, N.T.K., Giang, N.T.T., Trương, V.H. and Dong, H.T., 2022. The first description of histopathology of Lates calcarifer herpesvirus (LCHV) infection in barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Aquaculture, p.739091.
  2. Dang, M., Nguyen, H.T.T., Dien, T.D., Thang, T.N., Thao, N.T.P., Dang, B.T. and Dong, H.T., 2022 Acute death in farmed marine fishes caused by sea anemone (Bunodeopsis) in Central Vietnam. Journal of fish diseases.
  3. Dang, M., Dien, T.D., Ha, V.T., Hua, V.C., Thanh, N.T.H. and Nowak, B.F., 2022. Epitheliocystis in armoured catfish (Pterygoplichthys), anabas (Anabas testudineus) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in central Vietnam. Journal of fish diseases.
  4. Nørregaard, R.D., Bach, L., Geertz-Hansen, O., Nabe-Nielsen, J., Nowak, B., Jantawongsri, K., Dang, M., Søndergaard, J., Leifsson, P.S., Jenssen, B.M. and Ciesielski, T.M., 2022. Element concentrations, histology and serum biochemistry of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) in northwest Greenland. Environmental Research, p.112742.
  5. Shamsi, S., Day, S., Zhu, X., Mclellan, M., Barton, D.P., Dang, M., Nowak, B.F., 2021. Wild fish as reservoirs of parasites on Australian Murray cod farms. Aquaculture 539, 736584.
  6. Dang, M., Nørregaard, R., Sonne, C., Bach, L., Stride, M., Jantawongsri, K. and Nowak, B., 2021. Splenic and renal melanomacrophage centers in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) in Nuuk harbor, West Greenland. Polar Biology, 44(10), pp.2011-2021.
  7. Nowak, B.F., Dang, M., Webber, C., Neumann, L., Bridle, A., Bermudez, R., 2021. Changes in the splenic melanomacrophage centre surface area in southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) are associated with blood fluke infections. Pathogens, (10) 1–9.

  1. Dang, M., Pittman, K., Sonne, C., Hansson, S., Bach, L., Søndergaard, J., Stride, M., Nowak, B., 2020. Histological mucous cell quantification and mucosal mapping reveal different aspects of mucous cell responses in gills and skin of shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 100, 334–344.
  2. Shamsi, S., Zhu, X., Barton, D.P., Dang, M., Freire, R., Nowak, B.F., 2020. Dermocystidium infection in farmed Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii. Aquaculture 528, 735596.
  3. Dang, M., Nowell, C., Nguyen, T., Bach, L., Sonne, C., Nørregaard, R., Stride, M., Nowak, B., 2019. Characterisation and 3D structure of melanomacrophage centers in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius). Tissue Cell 57, 34–41.
  4. Dang, M., Pittman, K., Bach, L., Sonne, C., Hansson, S. V., Søndergaard, J., Stride, M., Nowak, B., 2019. Mucous cell responses to contaminants and parasites in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) from a former lead‑zinc mine in West Greenland. Sci. Total Environ. 207–216.
  5. Shamsi, S., Dang, M., Zhu, X., Nowak, B., 2019. Genetic and morphological characterization of Mawsonascaris vulvolacinata n. sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) and associated histopathology in a wild caught cowtail stingray, Pastinachus ater . J. Fish Dis. 1–10.
  6. Verland, N., Kaarsholm, H.M., Nørregaard, R.D., Bach, L., Leifsson, P.S., Dang, M., Nowak, B., Sonne, C., 2019. Histology of sculpin spp. in East Greenland. I. Histological measures. Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 2248.
  7. Kaarsholm, H.M., Verland, N., Nørregaard, R.D., Bach, L., Søndergaard, J., Rigét, F.F., Dietz, R., Hansen, M., Eulaers, I., Desforges, J.P., Leifsson, P.S., Dang, M., Nowak, B., Sonne, C., 2018. Histology of Sculpin spp. in East Greenland. II. Histopathology and trace element concentrations. Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 100, 769–784.
  8. Dang, M., Basson, L., Bach, L., Sonne, C., Nørregaard, R., Nowak, B., 2018. Trichodinid infections in internal organs of shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) collected around an industrial harbor in Nuuk, Greenland. Parasitology 1–5.
  9. Nørregaard, R.D., Dang, M., Bach, L., Geertz-Hansen, O., Gustavson, K., Aastrup, P., Leifsson, P.S., Søndergaard, J., Nowak, B., Sonne, C., 2018. Comparison of heavy metals, parasites and histopathology in sculpins (Myoxocephalus) from two sites at a lead-zinc mine in North East Greenland. Environ. Res. 165, 306–316.
  10. Dang, M., Nørregaard, R., Bach, L., Sonne, C., Søndergaard, J., Gustavson, K., Aastrup, P., Nowak, B., 2017. Metal residues , histopathology and presence of parasites in the liver and gills of fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) and shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) near a former lead-zinc mine in East Greenland. Environ. Res. 153, 171–180.
  11. Lettini, A.A., Vo Than, T., Marafin, E., Longo, A., Antonello, K., Zavagnin, P., Barco, L., Mancin, M., Cibin, V., Morini, M., Dang Thi Sao, M., Nguyen Thi, T., Pham Trung, H., Le, L., Nguyen Duc, T., Ricci, A., 2016. Distribution of Salmonella Serovars and Antimicrobial Susceptibility from Poultry and Swine Farms in Central Vietnam. Zoonoses Public Health, 63(7), 569-576.
  12. Vo T. T., Pham T. H., Dao D. H., Dang V. T., Le D. H., Nguyen T. T., Dang T. S. M., Le L. 2014. Determination of serovar and genetic relationship of Leptospira strains isolated from pigs. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 4 (1), 34 – 38 (in Vietnamese)
  13. Dang T. S. M., Nguyen H. D., Nguyen T. M. A., 2009. Using histology to investigate the development of thymus in barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Scientific Journal of Cantho University (in Vietnamese).

Books and book chapters

  • Phan-Van, U., Dang, M. 2021. Part III: Regional Reviews: Asian (excluding China). In Poynton, S., Nowak, B. (Ed.). Aquaculture Parasitology: Global impacts and Management. John Wiley & Sons Limited, UK.


  1. Mai Dang, Tran Duc Dien, Ut Phan Van, Vo Thi Ha, Vu Viet Dung, Nguyen Trinh Duc Hieu, Viet Cuong Hua, Nguyen Thi Kim Hue, Nguyen Thi Thu Giang, Vu Huu Trương, Ha Thanh Dong, 2022. The first description of histopathology of Lates calcarifer herpesvirus (LCHV) infection in barramundi (Lates calcarifer). 10th international fisheries symposium 2022, 5-7/12/2022, Nha Trang
  2. Mai Dang, Hai Thanh T. Nguyen, Van Manh Ngo, Tran Duc Dien, Tran Ngoc Thang, Nguyen Thi Phương Thao, Binh Thuy Dang, Ha Thanh Dong, 2022. “Strange slimy material” caused acute death in tropical marine broodstocks. 10th international fisheries symposium 2022, 5-7/12/2022, Nha Tran
  3. Histological mucous cell quantification and mucosal mapping reveal different aspects of mucous cell responses in the gills of shorthorn sculpins. Oral presentation at the International gill health conference, 2021 (online).
  4. Quantified mucosal health of fishes: the proposed “rules”. 1st International Symposium on Mucosal Health 2019 in Aquaculture, MHA2019, September 11-13, Oslo, Norway
  5. Interactions between parasites, heavy metals & mucous cell responses in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) – Oral presentation at Australian Society of Parasitology (ASP) annual conference 2019, Adelaide, Australia
  6. Characterisation of melanomacrophage centres in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) – Oral presentation at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe Helsinki May 2019)
  7. Trichodinid infection in internal organs of shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) collected around an industrial harbour in Nuuk, Greenland – Oral presentation at Australian Society of Parasitology (ASP) annual conference 2018, St. Kilda. Melbourne, Australia
  8. Quantification of histological changes & image analysis – Oral presentation at the annual Fish Histopathology workshop 2018, Launceston, Australia
  9. Trichodina in the kidney of wild shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) from Greenland– Oral presentation at the EAFP Fish Histopathology workshop 2018, Belfast, UK
  10. Parasites in shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) and potential use of these parasites as bioindicators – Oral presentation at ASP annual conference 2017, Blue Mountains, Australia
  11. A histological investigation of fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) and shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) in Mestersvig, East Greenland – Oral presentation at ASP Tasmania meeting 2016
  12. Ciliates in East Greenland sculpin – Oral presentation at the Fish Histopathology workshop 2015, Launceston, Australia
  13. OIE twinning project for animal Salmonellosis between Central Vietnam Veterinary Institute (CVVI) and Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe, Italy) – Poster presentation at International Symposium of the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (ISWAVLD) 2013, Berlin, Germany

Awards and Grants


  • The annual IVRD Director Award for Outstanding researcher (2020 and 2021)
  • CoSE Executive Dean Award, Outstanding Performance by Current HDR Candidate, Runner-up (2019)
  • Tasmania Graduate Research Scholarship (2016)
  • Australian Award Scholarship (2013)
  • Vietnam Fund for Supporting Technological Creation (VIFOTEC) bronze award (2009)
  • National award for undergraduate research, awarded by the Ministry of Education and Training, bronze award (2009)
  • University award for undergraduate research awarded by Nha Trang university, gold award (2008).


  • Travel grants from the Australian Society for Parasitology (2017 – 2019)
  • Travel grants from the College of Sciences and Engineering (2019)
  • Travel grants from Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (2019)
  • Travel grants from the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (2019)
  • The IMAS student research support (2018)
  • JD Smyth Postgraduate Travel Award for research and training (2017)